
Adult ticket (Sold Out)


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Child Ticket (Sold Out)

17 and under

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Permission Form for Public Relations Activities
I give permission for my child/myself to be photographed and/or videotaped by a Down Syndrome Association of Middle Tennessee or media representative for use in publicizing the association and the above mentioned program in print or electronic media. I acknowledge and agree that my participation in photographs and videos may be edited and used in whole or in part as desired for this program, which may be produced, duplicated, distributed and used for informational or promotional purposes.

I understand that photographs and video become the property of your organization without compensation to me. I understand and authorize the use in writing or otherwise the name or identity of the above participant.

I further authorize Down Syndrome Association of Middle Tennessee to use photographs or reproductions of my child’s artwork in promotional or fundraising materials. I understand that photos of artwork and some group artwork created at the program may become property of Down Syndrome Association of Middle Tennessee.

Permission my be revoked by contacting Tanya Chavez ([email protected])

Billing Information

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  • American Express
  • Discover
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