The Smart Start series will prepare parents of children in Pre-K with Down syndrome (aged 3-5 years old) for a successful entry into kindergarten. Through a series of four in-depth, interactive training sessions, parents will learn: to navigate the special education maze, expect and achieve high expectations for their children, communicate effectively with professionals, advocate for their student's rights and needs and enable their children to develop necessary skills to ensure they are set up for success on day one of kindergarten.
DSAMT Office
1310 Central Court
Hermitage, TN 37076
9:00am - 11:00am
February 15, 22, March 1 and 8
- Basic Special Education rights and laws, what that means for your child, placement options, developing parent-school relationships, and preparing for a successful school year.
- Common strengths and challenges of students w/DS, learning styles common to those with Down syndrome and strategies to improve success. It includes common supports; modifications that may be required.
- How to successfully advocate for appropriate services and supports to ensure your child is set up for success on day 1 of kindergarten and how to create meaningful, measurable goals in the student individual education plan and ensure the plan is followed.
- Teaching the readiness skills to foster independence, training them for success, fostering friendships.
**Participants who attend all four sessions and complete the pre and post surveys, which are required for our grant funding, will receive a backpack and gift card to purchase school supplies. A light breakfast will be served at each session. Childcare will be available to those who register (limited spots available).
Made possible with support from the United Way of Rutherford County.